Patent Disputes Mediation Period Shortens to Two Months
BEIJING, June 15-- Rencely, SIPO released a notice to strengthen handling the patent disputes mediation. Relevant department in charge of patent administration must conclude the patent disputes mediation within two months.
The notice regulates that relevant department should paly a positive role in helping to bring about an mediation agreement between the two parties on basis of pursuant to the law and voluntary. In case of failure to reach a mediation agreement, the department should issue a notice on mediation termination and then drop this case. If the two parties choose the mediation, the department should conclude the case within two months. If the case is of great complexity and time costly, mediation period must be solved within three months.
According to an official of SIPO, this paper is helpful to improve the law enforcement basis, enhance the level of things afterwards supervision, strengthen the system of law enforcement and make law enforcement more scientific, normative and coordinative.
(China IP News)